Kick-Ass vs. The Shawshank Redemption



Kick-Ass kicks ass -- it might be the best movie I've seen in a year... but putting it up against Shawshank? That's just not fair.

Kick-Ass is great fun, but Shawshank is another league

Kick Ass was a kick in the ass for me, Shawshank wins by a landslide.

VERY few things are better than Hit Girl. But Andy are Red are two of 'em...


Shawshank easily

Shawshank is a movie about Tim Robbins getting prison pounded with thoughtful narration by Morgan Freeman. Yes, I guess there's an uplifting message in there somewhere. Movies about guys in prison don't much appeal to me (aside from Cool Hand Luke), though. In Kick-Ass, the characters are running free and killing everything that moves. Like Robbins says in Shawshank "Get busy kicking ass, or get busy sucking." Only one of these films does the right thing, in my opinion.

Both great, but Kick-Ass is infinitely rewatchable. Shawshank...not so much. I love them both, but Kick-Ass it is.

Kick-Ass is a movie that strictly tries to entertain. That's a concept that might've been forgotten by some.

These are two great films for very different reasons. Shawshank is one of those much watch films while kick ass is much more fun and still quite clever. This may be the wrong choice but its kick ass by a phot finish.

I'm kind of getting bored of Superhero movies to be honest. I felt Shawshank was more original and heartfelt, so that's why I picked it.