The Matrix Revolutions vs. Jurassic Park III



Both third installments of franchises that should have remained one movie. While Matrix Revolutions tries to salvage itself to some degree, Jurassic Park III only really gives us flying dinosaurs and demasculinating the T-Rex

Epic sequel-fail.

Really tough choice; Jurassic Park 3 narrowly wins - just as creatively worthless as Matrix Revolutions, but at least not bogged down in it's own pseudo-deep philosophy as well... Also, slightly shorter.


Jurassic Park III is no where as bad as Revolutions.

I don't like either of these movies, but once again, you put a child in your action movie and I am instantly annoyed. Matrix wins for me.

Don Davis did a great job on both scores, and while I enjoyed Jurassic Park III, Revolutions wins easily.

Nothing beats Jurassic Park III, just Jurassic Park and Jurassic World.