Mystic River vs. Gran Torino



Here's a fun one. Both of these films were well liked by critics and audiences and both furthered the widespread belief that Clint Eastwood is an incredible director. From my tone, I'm sure you can tell that I do not agree with this. I enjoy his work occasionally but these two particular pictures were difficult to get through even. MYSTIC RIVER is whiny and misogynistic. GRAN TORINO is tired and racist without realizing it. I find both films expose sides of Eastwood that I wouldn't be too proud of if I were him. But yet, the Academy keeps rewarding him for values that are as out of date as he is. Between the two, I am going to go with GRAN TORINO. At least, I laughed more watching that one. I wasn't supposed to but that's better than the suicidal thoughts I had while watching MYSTIC RIVER.

Mystic River is simply awesome. Gran Torino, while great, falls short to Mystic River's awesomeness.

Okay, Mystic River is technically very, very good. The acting is fantastic. However, I also thought Gran Torino was very good. Gran Torino is certainly not a happy film, but unlike Mystic River (and Million Dollar Baby, for that matter), GT did not leave me feeling hopelessly depressed by the end of the movie. Gran Torino for me.

Mystic River is just a bunch of actors acting. Or overacting. Gran Torino is a groan-inducer in a number of ways, such as the poor performances from the young actors and Eastwood's crotchety old man cliché. Still, at least Gran Torino felt more like a movie rather than just a bunch of people hamming it up. I rarely like Tim Robbins, and he particularly gets on my nerves in Mystic River. Gran Torino kind of had a dramatic impact, but Mystic River was totally unaffecting.

I loved Mystic River and I think I'll like it even more on rewatches, but Gran Torino is still my No. 1.

hard to pick one, but if I was to actually say which movie got me really into it would be Gran Torio

Mystic River is much better.