Moonlight vs. Nightcrawler



Agreed, Nightcrawler on this one.

I liked Moonlight but it doesn't come close to Nightcrawler

Also going with Moonlight 4-0

Moonlight is so damn bland. All it is is Oscar bait. Make a movie about blacks, gays or women and it will immediately get a best picture nomination (or win) no matter the quality. Keep in mind, I have nothing against blacks, gays or women, but you need some sort of character development or interesting story to be good and Moonlight doesn’t have any of this. Nightcrawler, easily.


Moonlight is eclipsed by Nightcrawler.

Nightcrawler will be rewatched, Moonlight is Brokeback Mountain but at in the inner city with black actors as opposed to white guys out in the country.