Schindler's List vs. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom



You know I have to say Temple of Doom is the superior Spielberg picture in this matchup. It's full of so much excitement and I am proud to say is one of the most enjoyable action flicks ever made.

Spielberg Showdown! INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM is one of my personal favorites, but SCHINDLER'S LIST is a high point in cinema.

Schindler's List crushes here.

Schindler's List totaly wins here. Temple of Doom is one of the worst movies ever.

I feel no shame in saying that I prefer The Temple of Doom here.

2 absolutely awful movies. Both deserve to be on a list of top 10 most overrated movies of all time. It's nearly impossible to believe that both of these terrible films are from the director of the masterpiece Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Schindler’s list was a let down but not as much as temple.