One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest vs. Batman



Hmm, interesting... so in Cukoo's Nest we have Nicholson playing a criminal in a mental institution, and in the Joker we get Nicholson playing a truly insane criminal on the loose. I don't know if maybe Ledger's turn as the Joker (which I prefer) is influencing me here, but I gotta give this particular matchup to Cuckoo's Nest.

This is such a difficult choice... Both of these movies are great and both of Nicholson's characters are ridiculously amazing. However... I have to say Cuckoo's Nest wins this round for me, I honestly can't get over R.P's craziness.

I really preferred Nicholson in Cuckoo than in Batman.

Better Jack performance? Cuckoo's Nest. Movie I'll end up rewatching more? Batman.