Suicide Squad vs. The Avengers



Both are similar in that they are ensembele themed comic book movies. I'm gonna have to say though I appreciated the darker themes in Suicide Squad more. I also felt that it did a better job at setting up the villains (I still have very little idea where the aliens in the final act of Avengers actually came from) and was much less reliant on a Mcguffin device.

Not even a contest here, Suicide Squad was a disappointing mess.

Mediocrity vs awfulness. The Avengers isn't great, nor good for that matter, but it’s still watchable. Suicide Squad makes my eyes and ears bleed it’s so bad! Just bad!


No contest because Suicide Squad is a rotten film. The Avengers is thumbs up fresh.

it's really incredible that they decided to compare it to this shitty movie Yes it's really too simple who would win