Avengers: Infinity War vs. It



I guess IT

Infinity War


I prefer It.

Infinity War

Infinity War

Really didn't like IT. I mean it's one of the better modern horror flicks out there but it was very underwhelming. The kid characters were lame archetypes, whereas I've been with some of the IW characters for 10 years. Infinity War achieves spectacle FAR better than IT achieves being scary. IW has DOZENS of amazing moments utilizing superpowers, whereas IT's horror scenes were uninspired/unimaginative/unmemorable and didn't make any sense.

Touching horror film is better than pretty touching superhero films with a number of annoying jokes. I

Infinity War is epic film making. Avengers is redefining the blockbuster. IT is flash in the pan horror nonsense. No contest here at all.

Infinity War