Bohachi Bushido: Code of the Forgotten Eight vs. Hostel



Well, Bohachi Bushido has a fight between a ninja and a bunch of naked women. There are also numerous scenes of blood-spraying dismemberment throughout the movie. The movie's about a group of swordsmen who gave up the eight human virtues and deal in prostitution. So there's plenty of sleaze and violence. Hostel, as most are aware, is about rich people who pay to torture tourists. Both movies have plenty of sex and violence, but Hostel is the more gruesome and disturbing of the two. Bohachi Bushido is very stylized, and so is the sex and violence. But Bohachi is more depraved than Hostel. In this case, I'll go with Bohachi Bushido, because it's visually striking and crazy. Hostel is OK, but a lot more conventional.