Mulan 2 vs. Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure



Oh, the sequels...So many unnecessary sequels...

Oh hey, what an interesting little match-up this site dug up! Both of these sequels at least had a relatively decent plot and seemed like a natural next step. (I hate prequels or mid-quells treated as sequels.) I'm inclined to pick Scamp's Adventure here. I'm more familiar with it, and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. They turned a blatantly one-dimensional plot into a multidimensional one, and for that we thank you.

I didn't like Mulan 2. It is truly the most useless point of the Disney sequels, however Lady and the Tramp 2 is truly for me one of the best Disney sequels because I liked it like the dog really wants to be a stray dog ??it was really beautiful in my opinion is theeven better than the original