Avengers: Age of Ultron vs. X-Men: Days of Future Past



Avengers: Age of Ultron

* Vision raises and uses Mjolnir 2 times during the movie. * Jarvis is defeated by Ultron, but then returns. * Hulk loses against Iron Buster. * Hawkeye has a wife and two children. * Quicksilver was dead when help Hawkeye against Ultron. * Wanda Maximoff extract the Ultron's energy force, but who destroys is Vision. * Thanos own The Infinity Gauntlet.

Age of Ultron was fun but it comes no where close to Days of Future Past. Plus, X-Men had the best Quicksilver by far.

Two great great sequels. The edge goes to Avengers because the action is superior and everything actually makes sense.

Avengers needs a re watch. Until then I'll give the win to X-Men.

Avengers films deliver more than Singer's X-Men but both are amazing.

X-Men for having several characters without making the movie cluttered. In Avengers 2 there are shitty shoehorned subplots which aren't resolved and make the film lose focus. Also no boring forced dramatic scenes which feel unnatural and don't serve the plot. DOFP is easily top 5 best CBM of all time and every scene adds to the overall story. Avengers 2 on the other hand has several scenes which don't move the story forward and instead feel like marketing for new films. X-Men also has more interesting action scenes whereas avengers 2 really goes downhill with it's action after hulkbuster, becoming just campy. DOFP brings the overall medsage and ideas of the franchise to its peak whereas Avengers 2's execution of themes about AI are out of place and are far from profound.

Age of ultron was utter crap A huge step down from its prequel.Days of future past is infinitely better movie