Daredevil vs. Superbad



Daredevil was pretty bad, and I found superbad just to be annoying. Affleck wins this round.

Superbad, hands down. Daredevil is just an all-round bad movie!

High School (or Uni) movies and Superhero Movies throw my flickchart entirely out of whack (not that it's really in any respectable order). The two genres are a lot more similar, IMO, than they might superficially appear. I think part of the problem is that I've not been able to reconcile the 'idea' of superhero/school movies with my appreciation of the enjoyment they provide. I can take any given Superhero flick (DD is a great example) and proclaim that I saw x, y and z as movie missteps and I then rank the movie with those missteps in mind. The truth of it may well be that I would rather watch such a movie, missteps and all, over most other genres. How else can I explain the high positions that films like Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Thor, Green Lantern, First Class and Capt America have taken up in my list? Yet I think they may deserve to be higher. I think I find badly handled movies in these two genres generally more entertaining than better made movies in other genres. I really should completely restart my list, but I don't think I'm willing to sacrifice/invest all that time and effort.

This is not a tough choice. I'm going with Superbad. Daredevil is not as bad as everyone says, but Superbad has a liberated feeling and a spontaneity that is rare in movies.
