The Incredibles vs. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer



This match-up goes to show that sometimes those who 'borrow' ideas make things WAY better than the original property.

Incredibles is better in just about every way.

As one of the few fans of Rise of the Silver Surfer, it's hard to deny the glorious satire of the superhero genre that is Incredibles.

I'm not sure I would characterize "Incredibles" as a "satire" of the superhero genre. It pokes some fun, yes, but it's more of an homage than anything else.

Yeah, I think that 'spoof' would be a better way to describe Incredibles.

"Satire", "Spoof"? I would say that The Incredibles is more of a homage to the superhero genre.

This is a no brainer. Incredible wins easily.

incredibles is masterpiece, fantastic four is a piece of shit

No way someone voted for Rise of Silver Surfer