2001: A Space Odyssey vs. The Godfather Part III



This post will be a coda to the exposé pieces I’ve been writing on Flickchart in recent years – a kind of an epilogue if you will – so I feel it warrants some background info. Flickchart in its heyday, from around 2010 to 2014, had a wide variety of quality posters who brought a high caliber of debate/discussion to the site. Some posters possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of film, others a keen eye for penetrating insight, some could write long exegeses with ease, while others yet could settle entire discussions with a witty turn of the phrase. However, all these unquestionably gifted minds had one failure in common: their inability, or refusal, to see movies and cinema as a weapon of propaganda. This is precisely the perspective I’ve tried to bring to Flickchart in recent years, for I felt it was long due, much-needed, and most relevant to the deceptive times we live in today (this approach becomes all the more necessary amid the treacherous scamdemic/plandemic). I mean, it’s one thing to analyze “2001: A Space Odyssey” as an exploration of man’s place in the cosmos, or his journey into a new space age. That’s all well and good – and several people have done it before. But how about dissecting 2001 for what it really is: space propaganda for NASA to psychologically prepare the masses for faked Apollo space missions? Hell, even The Godfather saga and GoodFellas – classics anyone would choose to make a case for film’s artistic validity – even they are veiled propaganda! The real purpose behind these mob movies is to present a romanticized view of the Mafia power structure, and hide its close connections to Freemasonry. Ever since their inception in the 20th century, CIA-controlled Hollywood and the film industry in general have elevated the peddling of agendas to a high art-form, thanks to the (anti-) human research of institutes like Tavistock, which manipulate the goy into buying a false Zionist reality. This propaganda dimension of film criticism is so prevalent and so pernicious, that I felt a duty to investigate it as best as I can, and share my findings with others – even with those not receptive to it. Am I saying every film ever made is propaganda? Not quite (although this is very close to the truth, and easily demonstrable with good research). What I’m saying is, the film medium was invented/pioneered for the express purpose of disseminating propaganda. There’s no doubt in my mind about this. The “entertainment” industry in its modern form is the creation of psychopathic capitalists and, as such, has no future in an enlightened, post-NWO world. For this and countless other good reasons, film needs to die a quick and - if possible - painful death.

I like Godfather 3 more than most, even if it can't live up to the highs of the first two. I think it has a convincing ending that demonstrates the emptiness, tragedy, and loneliness that result as consequences of Michael's actions and life in the mafia. But 2001 is quite the adventure. While not my favorite Kubrick, it did demonstrate to me that art-house cinema is something worth exploring and, if done right, admiring.


Kubrick said more in one film than than the Godfather in three but don't get me wrong I loved the first two Godfather films.

2001 is a perfect movie, The Godfather Part 3 is a decent movie.