Logan vs. Captain America: The First Avenger



Logan is a masterpiece. Sorry, Captain.

The canadians are better even when it comes to superheroes! Logan beats Captain USA all day here.

logan beats the best of the cap trilogy, let alone this weak origin story

As much as I enjoy First Avenger, Logan still comes out on top.

Logan beats First Avenger easily

The First Avenger is the better movie. Logan packs a punch but it ultimately is too depressing to top an origin classic like The First Avenger.

i rather go with logan, captain american isn’t really memorable but overrated

Five years ago what I thought was impossible happened when Logan surpassed Spider-Man 2 as the best Marvel movie

Logan by a country mile... the only thing First Avenger had on Logan was a villain. Jackman, as logan, is miles ahead of Chris, as Steve rogers, in terms of acting and likability. Logan's support characters were better and Logan had the better natural flow and story telling