Juno vs. Smokin' Aces



Both of these movies are strange in the fact that the more I think about them, the more I don't like them. Smokin' Aces wasted what should have been a phenomenally fun cast. It was such an unfocused mess. Juno, while I liked it initially after watching it, the more I think of the crap-tacular dialogue poor Ellen Page had to say, the more I cringed. Nobody at any age in the history of forever has spoken words such as those found coming out of Juno's mouth. Also, it's ThunderBIRDS are go, not Thundercats are go! And you can't even make the excuse that she's using it ironically, because a) Thunderbirds was aired, got cancelled, and was forgotten well before she was born b) Frigging Thundercats was aired and cancelled before she was born as well (the movie came out in 2007, making her born in 1991 if she's supposed to be 16) and c) it'd be totally out of character for her to intentionally combine those two shows. Juno gets the win here, based on the wonderfulness that is J.K. Simmons and Allison Janney.


Juno wins here but the grating dialogue of Ellen Page still almost destroys all the goodwill of the script and the emotional coming of age arc the film has going for it. Smokin ' Aces is a bad Pulp Fiction wannabe.

I have to agree with ear on this one. Juno has its charms, but they wear thin very quickly. If Smokin' Aces were any better it would probably take this one.