The Shawshank Redemption vs. Jaws



Wow... these can easily be one and two

Jaws is much better for sure.

Jaws. No Hesitation

Jaws for me, even though Shawshank is brilliant as well.

Shawshark Redemption -- that'd work nicely.

Jaws is a great blockbuster, but the Shawshank Redemption is a Masterpiece.

I switch to TSR.

Shawshank in a close call. Two masterpieces of cinema

I feel, to a certain extent, both of these movies are overrated. Especially on Flickchart. Shawshank was a good movie though, so I'll give it that.

The Shawshank Redemption. Jaws is some of Spielberg's best work, but it can't beat out one of the best films out there.

Shawhank...and makes it look easy. And I love Jaws. Just shows how amazing Shawshank is.

Shawshank is a masterpiece indeed so powerful with amazing acting and story all that said im a huge JAWS fan the Setting the soundtrack my fear of sharks still today yet find them fascinating Jaws will always be one of my favs.

Love Shawshank, but Jaws is just a thrilling movie experience that's very hard to top in my book.

Shawshank easily, and I love Jaws!

Shaw shank because it was not boring.

Shawshank is one of the most perfect films ever created.

Shawshank is definietly a very powerful movie but I just like and get entertained more by jaws

Shawshank is definietly a very powerful movie but I just like and get entertained more by jaws

Jaws because it was not boring.


Jaws rules??

As much as I love Shawshank Redemption, Jaws still wins.