X-Men: Days of Future Past vs. Batman Begins



Two of the superhero genre best films and while X=men Future Past is pretty,dark and deep slightly thought provoking it doent have the Umph and tone of a Hero you really route for like Batman and its complexed city and and characters while I wish They would have a Batman film with all the Rouges gallery Batman Begins is near perfect!

I simply like Singer's X-Men much more than Nolan's Batman.

Batman Begins. While I really enjoyed Days of Future Past and it's probably my favorite of the X-Men franchise, it doesn't quite match the epicness of Batman Begins.

DODP is amazing work. Far ahead of Begins.

Batman Begins. It contains two of my favorite scenes in film history. The first was with Bruce telling his guests to leave. This worked on different levels. First: Bale's "fake drunk" performance was so perfect that I actually felt uncomfortable watching it (I actually found myself skipping the scene once or twice, not because it was bad, but because it was TOO convincing). I could easily place myself among the guests in that situation, even though I knew that, in context, Bruce was simply using subterfuge to get them out of harm's way, it was THAT convincing. The second one, Bruce's parents being shot. The direction of the scene, particularly with the wallet dropping, actually managed to put a sense of tension into me, and I wondered, even for a moment, "Could they get out of this". Arguably the most famous moment in comics, and one of the most infamous in all pop culture, in general, and it left me wondering, and hopeful, that they could possibly escape it. THAT takes talent.

2 films that are reliable 8's for me didn't find either all that ground breaking but definitely gave us something slightly refreshing

I'll go X-Men without a second thought...

Dude is still campaigning?

I'll go DoFP. I still think Batman Begins is Nolan's weakest film, as he improved and / or fixed everything that was lacking in Begins (the action scenes, the unnecessarily cheesy one-liners, Rachel, Batman's voice being very inconstistent) in the later installments. It's still a decent superhero film with a very good origin story, but the film is just not that great). X-Men on the other hand was definitely great. Whether or not it's better than First Class is something I'm still not sure about, I suppose it is (although it desperately needed a Henry Jackman score...Ottman's was pretty generic), but I loved its groovy 70s style, the action scenes and I'm generally a sucker for timetravel films anyway. Hugely entertaining.

Days of future past is far better than batman begins. And the wolverine > batman

X-Men all the way

Batman Begins. Nolan's three Batman films remains undefeated by any comic book film.

Days of Future Past certainly wins this one with ease.

Days of future past has the unique best story and every Nolan film is rotten garbage.

Days of future past is generation masterpiece.

Days of Future Past is the 2nd best X-Men movie. But as I said Batman Begins and Dark Knight is better than any X-Men movie

Days of Future Past is very good, but Batman Begins is better than any Marvel movies