The Flesh Is Weak vs. Summer with Monika



I think maybe these both deal with societal problems. The Flesh Is Weak is about women being forced into prostitution, while Summer with Monika involves teen pregnancy. I think there might be a radical feminist interpretation of male-female relationships (like marriage) as a form of prostitution, but I forget now. I guess you could get together with mixed company and watch these back to back, and then have a group discussion afterward. Anyway, The Flesh Is Weak has a bit of a sensationalistic style that made me laugh. Summer with Monika is probably better, since I enjoyed it on a deeper level.

Funny, I always thought of 'marriage as prostitution' being a primarily phallocratic discourse/defense. At least, I've always thought of marriage as being long-term hooking and, therefore, bad for dudes. The ironing is delicioous.

There certainly is room for both both interpretations. I would imagine that the male's perspective on this issue is more about wanting to have a wider assortment of "prostitutes", while the female doesn't want to answer to a "pimp". I'm sure that there are cases where the role of the "pimp" is assumed by the female, though society might still deem her a "prostitute" (or, more accurately, "whore"). A guy assuming the "prostitute" position might be referred to as "whipped" (though, I guess "bitch" might be used, too, in some circles.) Does that make sense?

Yep, makes sense. "Wider assortment..." is exactly what I was driving at. I'm remembering a time I was haranguing some unimportant person on the futility of marriage just to get a rise out of his maddeningly romantic other half (his 'poster child for Hallmark' girlfriend used to piss me off in class). I think I used some economic utility diagram to claim that the 'cost per unit vagina' (meaning each lay as opposed to, say, 'cost per unit *unique* vagina') was higher for the average married dude than it was for the average brothel regular. I can't say whether there was any actual truth to my assertions, but I was trying to show that marriage (without cheating) results in massive costs (not just monetary) while slowly draining the utility out of fornication (diminishing returns to "one-gina"). And you know, I got to imply that the girl was a boring whore. That was fun.