Eraserhead vs. 2001: A Space Odyssey



Both films are super easy to understand, am I right? I mean, I totally understood every second of what was going on in each of these films. Every second.

Since plotwise I really can't give this to either film, I feel like 2001 wins out for visual look and that middle bit that I can actually make sense of

I like weird movies as well as the next guy (probably more) but, I mean, Eraserhead just boarded on the unpleasant for me.

Both films' merits are drawn from its overall design and influence, but 2001 is seriously more watchable.

This is extremely though for me. 2001 had a couple parts that were really good. Eraserhead had none. So I guess I'll pick 2001, which is something I never thought I would do.

2001 easily. Eraserhead just didn't work for me at all...