Gravity vs. Sunshine



Oh the irony! Both films are examples oh hard science fiction, both done by big name contemporary directors, and both with huge amounts of ambition. Gravity all the way for me, because it accomplishes everything Sunshine set out to do and failed. It never succumbs to a terrible third act that ruins the movie.


Both are phenomenal, but Gravity just edges out Sunshine.

I wouldn't call Sunshine phenomenal, but it wasn't terrible. Gravity takes the cake easily.



Could go back forth on this one for a while. For now, it's Gravity.

Everyone knows about Gravity. Not everyone knows about Sunshine. Regardless of which one you prefer, Sunshine is worth seeing. Stunning film that doesn't apologize.

Gravity's minimalist approach, in terms of story arc and characters is much more effective than Sunshine. Watching someone save themselves in a dire situation is much more compelling than a contrived plot about the sun.