I Am Legend vs. No Country for Old Men



Just proves how good 07/08 was. Really great time for movies. No country.

Not even close.

I didn't understand all of No Country for Old Men (need to see it again); even so for me it's a far far superior film. Anton Chigurh still gives me nightmares...

"I Am Legend" was soooo close to being a good movie. Too bad about the special effects (which weren't so special), and the whole, you know, plot thing. Will Smith gave a good performance though. But, yeah, "No Country for Old Men" wins easily. Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin & Javier Bardem are a trinity of acting brilliance; and the Coens are filmmaking gods.

No Country rightfully wins this one.

No country for old men

No Country is one of those movies that gets better every time I watch it. The ending gives me chills every time...

No Country

No contest for me. Both great films of 2007, but No Country for Old Men is simply the better made flick. Its tonality and sheer execution is outstanding in every way.

No Country easily..