danielbouse's User Profile


7/14/2011 joined Flickchart

788 profile views

236 rankings / 49 movies / 0 comments

2 days, 22 hours, 55 minutes spent watching movies

danielbouse's Favorite Movies

Men Behind the Sun Splatter: Naked Blood The House on the Edge of the Park Entrails of a Beautiful Woman Entrails of a Virgin Ichi the Killer Guinea Pig: Android of Notre Dame The Beast Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom

danielbouse's Recently Added Movies

Irreversible August Underground's Mordum Bad Taste Men Behind the Sun A Serbian Film

The Best Movies danielbouse Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Dead Alive 750
Audition 1037
Zombie 1436
The Beyond 1508
Irreversible 1603
Ichi the Killer 1643
Martyrs 1754
High Tension 2233
Antichrist 2533
The Devil's Rejects 2554


danielbouse's Friends

Adding friends is the path to true happiness.

danielbouse's Discussions

All those rankings, and not a single comment. For shame!

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