conanbarb's User Profile


1/29/2014 joined Flickchart

526 profile views

7741 rankings / 1100 movies / 0 comments

85 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes spent watching movies

conanbarb's Favorite Movies

Jaws The Princess Bride A Clockwork Orange GoodFellas The Graduate The Godfather American Psycho The Godfather Part II Psycho Star Wars

conanbarb's Recently Added Movies

Nymphomaniac: Volume I Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Y Tu Mamá También The World's End

The Best Movies conanbarb Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Ikiru 9
Harakiri 12
High and Low 16
City Lights 17
The Apartment 24
Seven Samurai 26
M 28
Double Indemnity 33
Yojimbo 35
North by Northwest 38


conanbarb's Friends

That invite button is looking mighty tempting.

conanbarb's Discussions

I know your type. Just waiting for the right moment to speak up.

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