The Top 10 Movies of 1978

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The Top 10 Movies of 1978
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
143 Days of Heaven 1978 Terrence Malick PG -
261 The Deer Hunter 1978 Michael Cimino R -
525 Animal House 1978 John Landis R -
543 Dawn of the Dead 1978 George A. Romero NR -
592 Halloween 1978 John Carpenter R -
628 Autumn Sonata 1978 Ingmar Bergman NR -
633 Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978 Philip Kaufman PG -
727 Superman 1978 Richard Donner PG -
951 The Last Waltz 1978 Martin Scorsese PG -
1017 The 36th Chamber of Shaolin 1978 Chia-Liang Liu R -

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