The Best Movies of 1934

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The Best Movies of 1934
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
12407 The Wise Little Hen 1934 Wilfred Jackson NR -
12744 Mandalay 1934 Michael Curtiz NR -
12901 Baby Take a Bow 1934 Harry Lachman NR -
12950 The Man with Two Faces 1934 Archie Mayo NR -
13144 Gambling Lady 1934 Archie Mayo NR -
13158 The Big Bad Wolf 1934 Burt Gillett NR -
13194 Sadie McKee 1934 Clarence Brown NR -
13310 Shoein' Hosses 1934 Dave Fleischer NR -
13400 Street Without End 1934 Mikio Naruse NR -
13436 Blue Steel 1934 Robert N. Bradbury NR -

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