tampabayrays03's Least Favorite Movies of the 2000s

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tampabayrays03's Least Favorite Movies of the 2000s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
9799 Dinosaur 2000 Eric Leighton PG -
136 Gladiator 2000 Ridley Scott R -
4259 Invictus 2009 Clint Eastwood PG13 -
49 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 2003 Peter Jackson PG13 -
2314 National Treasure 2004 Jon Turteltaub PG -
556 Ratatouille 2007 Brad Bird G -
95 Batman Begins 2005 Christopher Nolan PG13 -
11 The Dark Knight 2008 Christopher Nolan PG13 -
51199 Old Dogs 2009 Walt Becker PG -
323 Star Trek 2009 J.J. Abrams PG13 -
1076 3:10 to Yuma 2007 James Mangold R -

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