ScarothJagaroth's Favorite Movies of the 1920s

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ScarothJagaroth's Favorite Movies of the 1920s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
189 Metropolis 1927 Fritz Lang NR -
594 Battleship Potemkin 1925 Sergei M. Eisenstein NR -
343 Nosferatu 1922 F.W. Murnau NR -
2057 The Cocoanuts 1929 Robert Florey, Joseph Santley NR -
1347 The Unknown 1927 Tod Browning NR -
2939 The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923 Wallace Worsley NR -
1157 The Phantom of the Opera 1925 Rupert Julian NR -
1083 Un Chien Andalou 1929 Luis Buñuel NR -
122 The Gold Rush 1925 Charles Chaplin NR -
376 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920 Robert Wiene NR -
481 Man with a Movie Camera 1929 Dziga Vertov NR -

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