MeanPoop's Favorite Movies of the 1930s

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MeanPoop's Favorite Movies of the 1930s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
28 M 1931 Fritz Lang NR -
905 The Testament of Dr. Mabuse 1933 Fritz Lang NR -
1992 L'Age d'Or 1930 Luis Buñuel NR -
94 Modern Times 1936 Charles Chaplin G -
17 City Lights 1931 Charles Chaplin G -
4044 Earth 1930 Aleksandr Dovzhenko NR -
6208 Land Without Bread 1933 Luis Buñuel NR -
212 Bride of Frankenstein 1935 James Whale NR -
24462 Tevya 1939 Maurice Schwartz NR -
758 Vampyr 1932 Carl Theodor Dreyer NR -
1202 Fury 1936 Fritz Lang NR -
159 The Wizard of Oz 1939 Victor Fleming NR -

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