LittleSocrates's Top 100 Least Favorite Movies Directed by Yasujirô Ozu

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LittleSocrates's Top 100 Least Favorite Movies Directed by Yasujirô Ozu
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
14386 Woman of Tokyo 1933 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
7095 Tokyo Chorus 1931 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
16679 A Mother Should Be Loved 1934 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
9068 Passing Fancy 1933 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
10828 That Night's Wife 1930 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
15519 The Lady and the Beard 1931 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
4008 A Story of Floating Weeds 1934 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
15290 Dragnet Girl 1933 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
11565 Walk Cheerfully 1930 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
15318 Where Now Are the Dreams of Youth 1932 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
253 Late Spring 1949 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
1862 I Was Born, But... 1932 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
1370 An Autumn Afternoon 1962 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
76 Tokyo Story 1953 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
4048 The Only Son 1936 Yasujirô Ozu NR -

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