jabbob123's Favorite Movies of the 1920s

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jabbob123's Favorite Movies of the 1920s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
376 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920 Robert Wiene NR -
6717 Sadie Thompson 1928 Raoul Walsh NR -
5746 Street Angel 1928 Frank Borzage NR -
34 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans 1927 F.W. Murnau NR -
10005 The Pleasure Garden 1926 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
2204 The Last Command 1928 Josef von Sternberg NR -
1921 The Lodger 1927 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
13676 The Patent Leather Kid 1927 Alfred Santell NR -
3379 Seventh Heaven 1927 Frank Borzage NR -
10332 Easy Virtue 1928 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
9263 Downhill 1927 Alfred Hitchcock NR -

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