Eshegnev's Favorite Movies of the 1940s

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Eshegnev's Favorite Movies of the 1940s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
162 Rebecca 1940 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
25 Casablanca 1942 Michael Curtiz PG -
117 His Girl Friday 1940 Howard Hawks NR -
175 To Be or Not to Be 1942 Ernst Lubitsch NR -
139 Rope 1948 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
116 Shadow of a Doubt 1943 Alfred Hitchcock PG -
597 Lifeboat 1944 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
42 Citizen Kane 1941 Orson Welles NR -
171 The Best Years of Our Lives 1946 William Wyler NR -
417 Mildred Pierce 1945 Michael Curtiz NR -
33 Double Indemnity 1944 Billy Wilder NR -
1852 Bambi 1942 David Hand G -
239 White Heat 1949 Raoul Walsh NR -
253 Late Spring 1949 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
41 The Third Man 1949 Carol Reed NR -

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