DustyMiller's Favorite Movies of the 1980s

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DustyMiller's Favorite Movies of the 1980s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
103 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984 Steven Spielberg PG -
202 Scarface 1983 Brian De Palma R -
757 Top Gun 1986 Tony Scott PG -
291 Brazil 1985 Terry Gilliam R -
80 The Terminator 1984 James Cameron R -
115 Raging Bull 1980 Martin Scorsese R -
583 A Christmas Story 1983 Bob Clark PG -
227 The Goonies 1985 Richard Donner PG -
43 The Princess Bride 1987 Rob Reiner PG -
496 Spaceballs 1987 Mel Brooks PG -
46 Blade Runner 1982 Ridley Scott R -
264 The Blues Brothers 1980 John Landis NR -
925 Glory 1989 Edward Zwick R -
354 Dead Poets Society 1989 Peter Weir PG -
37 Ghostbusters 1984 Ivan Reitman PG -

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