cm2600's Favorite Movies of the 1990s

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cm2600's Favorite Movies of the 1990s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
754 Home Alone 1990 Chris Columbus PG -
748 Titanic 1997 James Cameron PG13 -
1429 Jumanji 1995 Joe Johnston PG -
19 The Silence of the Lambs 1991 Jonathan Demme R -
826 Mission: Impossible 1996 Brian De Palma PG13 -
6079 Batman Forever 1995 Joel Schumacher PG13 -
2194 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1999 George Lucas PG -
3908 Dick Tracy 1990 Warren Beatty PG -
1812 William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet 1996 Baz Luhrmann PG13 -
1819 Air Force One 1997 Wolfgang Petersen R -
429 Total Recall 1990 Paul Verhoeven R -

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