BruceLeroy's Least Favorite Movies of the 1950s

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BruceLeroy's Least Favorite Movies of the 1950s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2691 The Blob 1958 Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. NR -
2135 The Fly 1958 Kurt Neumann NR -
1888 Sleeping Beauty 1959 Clyde Geronimi G -
1919 Cinderella 1950 Clyde Geronimi G -
1520 Peter Pan 1953 Clyde Geronimi G -
5755 Plan 9 from Outer Space 1959 Edward D. Wood Jr. NR -
1303 Alice in Wonderland 1951 Clyde Geronimi G -
10019 Nineteen Eighty-Four 1954 Rudolph Cartier NR -
887 Godzilla 1954 Ishirô Honda NR -

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