athiest's Favorite Movies of the 1960s

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athiest's Favorite Movies of the 1960s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
385 Night of the Living Dead 1968 George A. Romero NR -
5541 The Plague of the Zombies 1966 John Gilling NR -
52 Psycho 1960 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
482 The Birds 1963 Alfred Hitchcock PG13 -
657 The Haunting 1963 Robert Wise G -
1765 The Last Man on Earth 1964 Ubaldo Ragona, Sidney Salkow NR -
290 Repulsion 1965 Roman Polanski NR -
2390 Pit and the Pendulum 1961 Roger Corman NR -
316 Rosemary's Baby 1968 Roman Polanski R -

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