The Best 'Film Comment Selects' Movies of the 1980s

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The Best 'Film Comment Selects' Movies of the 1980s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1745 Altered States 1980 Ken Russell R -
3479 The Entity 1982 Sidney J. Furie R -
8768 On the Silver Globe 1988 Andrzej Zulawski NR -
8846 From the Life of the Marionettes 1980 Ingmar Bergman R -
12988 Betrayal 1983 David Hugh Jones NR -
22517 City of Pirates 1983 Raoul Ruiz NR -
24737 Routine Pleasures 1986 Jean-Pierre Gorin NR -
25881 Poto and Cabengo 1980 Jean-Pierre Gorin NR -
37444 Golden Eighties 1986 Chantal Akerman NR -
44189 Sleepwalk 1986 Sara Driver R -
46937 Return to Waterloo 1984 Ray Davies PG13 -
50748 2084 1984 Chris Marker NR -

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