The Top 10 'Film Comment Selects' Movies

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The Top 10 'Film Comment Selects' Movies
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6 Pulp Fiction 1994 Quentin Tarantino R -
57 Schindler's List 1993 Steven Spielberg R -
160 Unforgiven 1992 Clint Eastwood R -
220 Miller's Crossing 1990 Joel & Ethan Coen R -
320 Three Colors: Red 1994 Krzysztof Kieslowski R -
884 Dead Man 1995 Jim Jarmusch R -
1325 Seven Days in May 1964 John Frankenheimer NR -
1529 The Age of Innocence 1993 Martin Scorsese PG -
1541 The Piano Teacher 2001 Michael Haneke NR -
1643 Ichi the Killer 2001 Takashi Miike NR -

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