The Best 'Screamfest Best Picture Winning' Movies dorrk Hasn't Seen or Ranked

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The Best 'Screamfest Best Picture Winning' Movies dorrk Hasn't Seen or Ranked
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
20247 Isolation 2005 Billy O'Brien R -
21719 The Human Centipede (First Sequence) 2009 Tom Six NR -
42346 Cookers 2001 Dan Mintz R -
46972 The Invisible 2002 Joel Bergvall, Simon Sandquist NR -
47433 Kolobos 1999 Daniel Liatowitsch, David Todd Ocvirk R -
53237 Alone 2007 Banjong Pisanthanakun, Parkpoom Wongpoom NR -
55198 Caged 2010 Yann Gozlan NR -
61783 Urban Explorer 2011 Andy Fetscher NR -
71618 Patchwork 2015 Tyler MacIntyre NR -
78460 Beneath 2013 Ben Ketai NR -
83302 My Father, Die 2016 Sean Brosnan NR -

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