The Best 'Cannes Grand Prix du Festival International du Film' Movies dorrk Hasn't Seen or Ranked

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The Best 'Cannes Grand Prix du Festival International du Film' Movies dorrk Hasn't Seen or Ranked
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2384 Othello 1951 Orson Welles PG -
3787 A Man and a Woman 1966 Claude Lelouch NR -
5577 Miracle in Milan 1951 Vittorio De Sica NR -
5874 The Knack ... And How to Get It 1965 Richard Lester NR -
6036 Gate of Hell 1953 Teinosuke Kinugasa NR -
10115 The Go-Between 1971 Joseph Losey PG -
10839 Miss Julie 1951 Alf Sjöberg NR -
14747 The Working Class Goes to Heaven 1971 Elio Petri NR -
15129 Portrait of Maria 1944 Emilio Fernández NR -
18186 Red Meadows 1945 Bodil Ipsen, Lau Lauritzen NR -
18405 The Mattei Affair 1972 Francesco Rosi NR -
18675 Two Cents Worth of Hope 1952 Renato Castellani NR -
23348 Iris and the Lieutenant 1946 Alf Sjöberg NR -
24518 Pastoral Symphony 1946 Jean Delannoy NR -
24976 The Birds, the Bees and the Italians 1966 Pietro Germi NR -
30392 The Hireling 1973 Alan Bridges PG -
30671 Lowly City 1946 Chetan Anand NR -

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