The Best 'César Award for Best Film Winning' Movies

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The Best 'César Award for Best Film Winning' Movies
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
37258 Games of Love and Chance 2003 Abdellatif Kechiche NR -
39216 Other People's Money 1978 Christian de Chalonge NR -
59737 Custody 2017 Xavier Legrand NR -
72477 Me, Myself and Mum 2013 Guillaume Gallienne NR -
72711 Fatima 2015 Philippe Faucon NR -
79130 Adieu les cons 2020 Albert Dupontel NR -
85484 Lost Illusions 2021 Xavier Giannoli NR -
89142 The Night of the 12th 2022 Dominik Moll NR -

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