The Best 'Odeon Entertainment Best of British Collection' Movies of the 1970s

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The Best 'Odeon Entertainment Best of British Collection' Movies of the 1970s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
10063 The Asphyx 1972 Peter Newbrook PG -
11375 The Legacy 1978 Richard Marquand R -
12489 Frightmare 1974 Pete Walker R -
13950 Black Beauty 1971 James Hill NR -
14100 Royal Flash 1975 Richard Lester PG -
14295 Girly 1970 Freddie Francis R -
16321 Virgin Witch 1972 Ray Austin NR -
20770 Bizarre 1970 Antony Balch R -
21925 Cool It, Carol! 1970 Pete Walker NR -
22708 The Beast in the Cellar 1970 James Kelley R -
24533 The Flesh and Blood Show 1972 Pete Walker R -
29245 Not Now Darling 1973 Ray Cooney, David Croft R -
31322 The Fiend 1972 Robert Hartford-Davis R -
31865 The Catholics 1973 Jack Gold NR -
33303 A Candle for the Devil 1973 Eugenio Martín R -
35454 This, That and the Other! 1970 Derek Ford NR -
36461 A Day at the Beach 1972 Simon Hesera NR -
37151 The Playbirds 1978 Willy Roe R -
37458 Sex Clinic 1972 Don Chaffey NR -
37462 A Taste of Excitement 1970 Don Sharp NR -

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