The Top 10 'Golden Harvest' Movies

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The Top 10 'Golden Harvest' Movies
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
465 Enter the Dragon 1973 Robert Clouse R -
1134 Police Story 1985 Jackie Chan PG13 -
1495 The Legend of Drunken Master 1994 Chia-Liang Liu R -
1792 The Big Boss 1971 Wei Lo R -
1915 The Way of the Dragon 1972 Bruce Lee R -
2058 Fist of Fury 1972 Wei Lo R -
2067 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1990 Steve Barron PG -
2292 Once Upon a Time in China 1991 Hark Tsui R -
2498 Story of Ricky 1991 Ngai Choi Lam NR -
2627 Jackie Chan's Project A 1983 Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung PG13 -

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