The Best Movies Directed by Yves Robert

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The Best Movies Directed by Yves Robert
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
9618 My Father's Glory 1990 Yves Robert NR -
10166 The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe 1972 Yves Robert PG -
10599 My Mother's Castle 1990 Yves Robert PG -
13973 Very Happy Alexander 1968 Yves Robert G -
21481 War of the Buttons 1962 Yves Robert NR -
33798 The Return of the Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe 1974 Yves Robert NR -
36209 Pardon Mon Affaire 1976 Yves Robert PG -
36897 Neither Seen Nor Recognized 1958 Yves Robert NR -
41585 Pardon Mon Affaire, Too! 1977 Yves Robert PG -
43140 Clérambard 1969 Yves Robert NR -
45285 The Twin 1984 Yves Robert NR -

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