The Best Movies Directed by William Kaufman

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The Best Movies Directed by William Kaufman
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
40155 The Hit List 2011 William Kaufman R -
59742 Sinners and Saints 2010 William Kaufman R -
64351 One in the Chamber 2012 William Kaufman R -
68234 The Prodigy 2005 William Kaufman NR -
72428 The Marine 4: Moving Target 2015 William Kaufman R -
74053 Daylight's End 2016 William Kaufman NR -
80493 Jarhead 3: The Siege 2016 William Kaufman R -
85448 The Brave 2019 William Kaufman NR -
91178 The Channel 2023 William Kaufman NR -

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