The Best Movies Directed by Ulu Grosbard

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The Best Movies Directed by Ulu Grosbard
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2294 Straight Time 1978 Ulu Grosbard R -
7214 Falling in Love 1984 Ulu Grosbard PG13 -
7937 True Confessions 1981 Ulu Grosbard R -
12761 The Deep End of the Ocean 1999 Ulu Grosbard PG13 -
12907 The Subject Was Roses 1968 Ulu Grosbard G -
13075 Georgia 1995 Ulu Grosbard R -
22516 Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? 1971 Ulu Grosbard R -

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