The Best Movies of the 1960s Directed by Tomu Uchida

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The Best Movies of the 1960s Directed by Tomu Uchida
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
13687 Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijoji 1964 Tomu Uchida NR -
19838 Miyamoto Musashi: Musashi vs. Kojiro 1965 Tomu Uchida NR -
21293 A Fugitive from the Past 1965 Tomu Uchida NR -
23826 Hero of the Red Light District 1960 Tomu Uchida NR -
25021 Miyamoto Musashi: Showdown at Hannyazaka Heights 1962 Tomu Uchida NR -
27432 The Mad Fox 1962 Tomu Uchida NR -
28093 Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel Against Yagyu 1963 Tomu Uchida NR -
28198 Miyamoto Musashi 1961 Tomu Uchida NR -
34223 The Master Spearman 1960 Tomu Uchida NR -

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