The Best Movies Directed by Ted Tetzlaff

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The Best Movies Directed by Ted Tetzlaff
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5581 The Window 1949 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
19113 Terror on a Train 1953 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
19286 The White Tower 1950 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
20527 A Dangerous Profession 1949 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
23913 Fighting Father Dunne 1948 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
24284 The Treasure of Lost Canyon 1952 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
25995 Riffraff 1947 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
29628 Gambling House 1950 Ted Tetzlaff G -
30111 Under the Gun 1951 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
31800 Johnny Allegro 1949 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
33832 The Young Land 1959 Ted Tetzlaff NR -
34335 Son of Sinbad 1955 Ted Tetzlaff PG -

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