The Best Movies Directed by Stephen Poliakoff

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The Best Movies Directed by Stephen Poliakoff
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
23272 Close My Eyes 1991 Stephen Poliakoff R -
46837 Glorious 39 2009 Stephen Poliakoff R -
50078 Hidden City 1987 Stephen Poliakoff NR -
50545 Century 1993 Stephen Poliakoff R -
55970 Shooting the Past 1999 Stephen Poliakoff NR -
61162 The Lost Prince 2003 Stephen Poliakoff PG -
62256 Friends & Crocodiles 2005 Stephen Poliakoff NR -
65850 Gideon's Daughter 2005 Stephen Poliakoff NR -
67513 Capturing Mary 2007 Stephen Poliakoff NR -
67963 Joe's Palace 2007 Stephen Poliakoff NR -
75726 Dancing on the Edge 2013 Stephen Poliakoff NR -

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