The Best Movies Directed by Stanley Tong

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The Best Movies Directed by Stanley Tong
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2633 Rumble in the Bronx 1995 Stanley Tong R -
2874 Supercop 1992 Stanley Tong R -
5893 Jackie Chan's First Strike 1996 Stanley Tong PG13 -
11180 Supercop 2 1993 Stanley Tong R -
31885 The Myth 2005 Stanley Tong PG13 -
47461 Mr. Magoo 1997 Stanley Tong PG -
60206 China Strike Force 2000 Stanley Tong R -
67941 Kung-Fu Yoga 2017 Stanley Tong NR -
86626 Vanguard 2020 Stanley Tong PG13 -

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